What is Halal Certification and How to Obtain One

All people have the right to consume safe food. In addition, Muslims in accordance with Islamic regulation for food, cosmetics and so on have a more specific demand. The right to consume products is absolute. Muslims for centuries in accordance with Islamic provisions had no problems determining the consumables. Because the products consumed were simpler in content and most of the time they were from home. However, with recent technological advances, breakthroughs and developments in the food sector have led to product diversity and content complexity. Halal Advisory Group Canada is a place where a company can obtain the necessary halal certification agency canada to make sure that they produce food that is in accordance to halal requirements.

halal certification agencies

How to better understand the concept of Halal?

Given the dense Muslim population of the world, the importance of the concept of halal certified food will be better understood. Economically, in a world where there are about 1 billion Muslims, the halal food market, which is made up of about 50 million Muslims living in European countries alone, is about 80 billion euros a year.

The first country to issue halal certification in the world is Malaysia, the official religion of Islam. Jalal food operations in Malaysia are carried out by the state and are internationally certified.

What are some of the benefits for obtaining a halal certificate?

  • Number of users will increase
  • It will guarantee that the products are safe according to their religion
  • It is something that your company should obtain

What is the country that mostly issues this type of certifications?

Turkey is the only Muslim country of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). Works as chairman and secretary of the Turkish Standards Institute, Halal Food Project Committee. The committee’s first meeting of this halal halal certification company was held in September in Istanbul in 2013. Halal certification is expected to be completed within three years. When the studios are completed, their member states of the European Committee for Standardization will lease them and agree on the national standards.

Who is the certificate issued to?

The halal certification services document is issued to the staff of the food companies as soon as the necessary audit work is performed. However, the vegetable document does not document whether you produce halal or no. Certification criteria include a number of criteria, such as whether the conditions for cleanliness and hygiene in production are fulfilled, whether or not derivative processes are documented, or packaging, storage and distribution processes are open. In a nutshell, Halal Food Certificate proves them to be standards of produce in relation to human and religious harm.

Make sure to find our contact information available on Google and ZoomInfo and contact us today if you are interested in learning more about this system and process. Call us or come and visit us.

Some Things to Remember About Halal for Non-Muslims

There are a lot of non-Muslims who do not have an understanding about what Halal food is. They see Halal certification companies in Canada offer their seal to various products but they do not know what the real purpose of this is. The Muslims believe in Allah which is also known as God in other religions. What a lot of people should realize is that God can be called in different names but it represents just one Supreme Being that helps people stay good. Halal also means permissible which means that it is okay to engage in this food, activity, and so much more because it is approved by Allah. If you want to know more about Halal food in general, you can check here.


There are different Halal foods that can be purchased in the grocery stores and even in the market. As long as a trusted Halal certification agency Canada has given its seal then Muslims know that the food is safe to consume. The opposite of Halal is Haram. This means that it is unlawful and not allowed. There are some foods that are considered Haram such as pork, blood, innards, and other by-products. One of the biggest misconceptions of people is assuming that Halal and haram can only be used for food. This is not true. A lot of products that we use in this world need animals. For example, some make-up products require the use of animals. The type of animals that are used should be considered by Muslims first. If the products are haram, they are not recommended to use it. The advisory can be checked through our Facebook page.

Take note that Halal products are cleaned and produced in a certain way. They have to be deemed lawful depending on the Islamic laws. There are proper equipment and machines that are used in order to cleanse the meat and the other products that need to be used. Muslims feel that by consuming Halal food, they will have the ability to improve their health. Their healthy physique can be good for the whole society. They will be able to provide their proper services that way. If a Muslim consumes food that is considered Haram then he may suffer not only physically but also spiritually.

Muslims are not allowed to consume alcohol and other dishes that are prepared with alcoholic beverages. Even those that are cooked with wine are not allowed. They are also not allowed to consume certain types of animal fat particularly those that come from pigs. They cannot consume gelatin especially if the source is non-Halal. The only type of Halal gelatin that they can consume is the one that comes from fish. You will learn more about Halal and haram food from Halal advisory Canada.

Take note that all of the products that are checked by companies that provide Halal certification service Canada have gone through certain processes before they are considered to be safe to consume by Muslims and even non-Muslims from different parts of the world. All lives are sacred and the lives of animals that are killed for human consumption should not go to waste.

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Are There Benefits to Eating Halal Certified Food?

Are There Benefits to Eating Halal Certified Food

You may have some Muslim friends who are always searching for the right food places that serve Halal food. You are curious about it probably because you never knew the difference of consuming Halal food with the usual food that you can find in the market. For Muslims, they have to look for food verified by Halal certification services otherwise; they are going against the practice that was taught to them from the very beginning. If you want to know more about this, you can take a look at our page here.

The idea behind Halal is that the food is prepared in a way that Allah requires the food to be done. This is very true for the way that the animals are slaughtered. It would involve the use of a very sharp object that will be cut across the jugular vein so that the animal will be killed immediately without any pain. There are non- Muslims who cannot help but wonder if they would also get benefits if they eat Halal certified food. There are some details that you should know. Learn more about Halal certification when you check this link.

One of the main benefits that can be received is from the way that the food is prepared. Take note that that Halal-certified food are prepared by following the rules that will make the process very hygienic. This will lessen the possibility of contamination. Contamination is very bad for people’s health. With Halal food, the blood is completely drained from the animal before it is sold and this is actually a good thing because blood of animals contain uric acid. Too much uric acid can be bad for humans. The fact that it is completely removed make meat and other Halal food products safer to be consumed.

Another main benefit of Halal food is the way that the animal is slaughtered. The moment that the animal is slaughtered, it dies. This means that it does not feel any pain and it does not suffer before its death. The blood is drained out and this makes all of the organs intact. It would be safe to say that the meat is healthier and safer compared to meat that was not prepared the Halal way. Remember that other methods of slaughtering animals can lead to damaged organs.

A lot of people who started consuming Halal food say that their health has changed. They feel that they are healthier now as compared to before. There is a good reason for this. Perhaps, it is because they do not consume the blood of animals anymore so their immune system has gotten stronger in the process. You should look for Halal certified products checked by Halal certification agencies Canada just to be sure.

Take note that consuming food products that are Halal certified in Canada will still be up to you especially if you are a non-Muslim. It is always wise to weigh the pros and cons of the type of meat food that you want to get so that you can decide which ones will work best for your needs. A lot of people choose Halal food because of their religion. Will you care to try it out too?

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