What is Halal Certification and How to Obtain One

All people have the right to consume safe food. In addition, Muslims in accordance with Islamic regulation for food, cosmetics and so on have a more specific demand. The right to consume products is absolute. Muslims for centuries in accordance with Islamic provisions had no problems determining the consumables. Because the products consumed were simpler in content and most of the time they were from home. However, with recent technological advances, breakthroughs and developments in the food sector have led to product diversity and content complexity. Halal Advisory Group Canada is a place where a company can obtain the necessary halal certification agency canada to make sure that they produce food that is in accordance to halal requirements.

halal certification agencies

How to better understand the concept of Halal?

Given the dense Muslim population of the world, the importance of the concept of halal certified food will be better understood. Economically, in a world where there are about 1 billion Muslims, the halal food market, which is made up of about 50 million Muslims living in European countries alone, is about 80 billion euros a year.

The first country to issue halal certification in the world is Malaysia, the official religion of Islam. Jalal food operations in Malaysia are carried out by the state and are internationally certified.

What are some of the benefits for obtaining a halal certificate?

  • Number of users will increase
  • It will guarantee that the products are safe according to their religion
  • It is something that your company should obtain

What is the country that mostly issues this type of certifications?

Turkey is the only Muslim country of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). Works as chairman and secretary of the Turkish Standards Institute, Halal Food Project Committee. The committee’s first meeting of this halal halal certification company was held in September in Istanbul in 2013. Halal certification is expected to be completed within three years. When the studios are completed, their member states of the European Committee for Standardization will lease them and agree on the national standards.

Who is the certificate issued to?

The halal certification services document is issued to the staff of the food companies as soon as the necessary audit work is performed. However, the vegetable document does not document whether you produce halal or no. Certification criteria include a number of criteria, such as whether the conditions for cleanliness and hygiene in production are fulfilled, whether or not derivative processes are documented, or packaging, storage and distribution processes are open. In a nutshell, Halal Food Certificate proves them to be standards of produce in relation to human and religious harm.

Make sure to find our contact information available on Google and ZoomInfo and contact us today if you are interested in learning more about this system and process. Call us or come and visit us.

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